acrylic on canvas board

18 x 24″

It started in 2013 as a mountain landscape, and it never felt exciting or finished until this year when I realized what image was hidden in it. I traveled in the Himalayas for the first time in 2008 and realized right away that any photos taken of them are just facades. The energy there was palpable, transformative; it was in everything and everyone, crystal, intense. Charged place. Trees, hills were engaged with each other and humans intensely. I am sure we all feel that when we are spending time in nature, but this intensity was very new. It was as if all colors became more vibrant, all emotions (especially bliss) became strong. Nothing ever returned to the feelings I had before the trip, which I know perceived as a bit muted experience. Meeting Gods changes you.

Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.