Summer Small Works 2024

  • Oil on panel 7 x 13"
    I believe the connection between an artist and their viewer is possible through the recognition of familiar imagery. While presenting most challenges for the artist, traditional realism is the easiest way to ensure that connection. Realism is not a thing from the past that only belongs in museums but rather a clear, eloquent language that can get a contemporary message across, be serious or whimsical, humorous, or even playful.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Photography 14 x 10"
    After retiring following a long career in international affairs, this Washington DC-based artist has deepened her abiding interest in photography. During COVID, her subjects focused on the day-to-day objects in her home and Capitol Hill neighborhood. She honed her skills with online digital photography courses focusing on light, composition, and color, with thematic challenges to sharpen her skills of observation and creativity. Her work includes subjects from her domestic and international travels. Major interests include architecture, interiors, street scenes, plant life, landscapes, skyscapes, daily life, and reflections. She uses her cellphone camera, which is always with her, for her photos.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Onyx mounted on limestone
    10.5 x 7.25 x 5"  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • paper clippings, wax pencils, pen, graphite
    12 x 10"
    Detailed narrative mixed media collages based on concepts of recycling and repurposing, deconstruction, and reinvention. The pieces incorporate found objects and often depict provocative themes. The work ranges from whimsical to darkly humorous, informed by sleek modernism, pulp science fiction, and spiritual symbolism.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Dry Pastel on Paper
    14 x 11" Just a friend, kind enough to sit for a quick portrait. Bored, but still engaged. So many thanks to our models who may or may not have second thoughts.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Platinum/palladium photography
    14 x 11" In my artwork, I capture the simple beauty in the natural environment, providing moments of serenity. I use water and light as beautiful threads that draw the eye in. The quality of light is of paramount importance, defining the textures and forms in nature, and patterns of light and shadow. This image was originally captured with infrared film; the negative was subsequently scanned and transformed into a digital negative. I then contact-printed the image using the platinum/palladium printing process to capture a softer, painterly effect, evoking late 19th-century idyllic landscapes, and lending a poetic quality to the image.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • oil on board
    10 x 12"
    I love ponds, lakes, ocean and everything involved with water above and below the surface. I am painting a series which is inspired by the fishes' view. Pond Lily Buds is one of them. I paint using as reference from my own photographs, my imagination and images gleaned from elsewhere.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Fired stoneware with a glaze
    7 x 6.5 x 3" The clay is pressed into a mold, dried, and then fired. A glaze is added for a second firing. I wanted the figure to have motion so a metal base was made to hold the piece horizontally and give the feeling of movement.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on board 10 x 10"
    I am a New York-based painter working in oils, gouache, and watercolor. I paint places, people, and things that are dear to my heart, collecting and distilling the images from memory or my photographs. I use my intuitive sense of color and composition to reflect my emotional relationship to the subject. In my abstract work, I create mandalas and other patterns in sacred geometry which I find mediative and centering. I paint on linen, canvas, and wood panels mostly within the satisfying limitations of a square. My paintings often reveal quiet moments that reflect my desire to counter the vicissitudes of the daily news and one's life experiences. I paint because I love the materials and to express and uncover my relationship with the subject matter.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • soft pastel on pastelmat 14 x 11"
    What inspired me was the position of her head and the way her hair framed her face.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Watercolor and mixed media on paper
    12 x 9"
    I am an abstract painter, and I work primarily in watercolors with mixed media elements, such as acrylic ink, water-soluble pencils, and collage. I’m inspired by the interplay of colors, shapes, and uneven lines, and I love the fluid, unpredictable nature of watercolor paints. Layering an unexpected mix of materials to create a cohesive whole gives me endless possibilities for creative expression. I work very intuitively: I always have a starting point - a particular color combination or focal point - but then I just go wherever inspiration leads me, often surprising myself! My artwork is often influenced by nature, and I find myself particularly drawn to loose rounded shapes, which have become a recurring motif in much of my work. These organic shapes might take the form of stones, eggs, or nests, and they speak to me of wholeness, resilience, buoyancy, and harmony. They feel like home.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Raku fired ceramics with underglazes 9.75 x 9 x 6"
    I am interested in how nature can act as a metaphor, for instance, how to personify hope, aging, nobility, etc. This ceramic bust was fired in the Japanese Raku process. The word 'Raku' means enjoyment. The figure here is a portrait of my mother, the "Garden Lady." Her head is slightly uplifted, eyes and mouth smiling. Hummingbirds, a dragonfly, a daisy, and gardenia flowers, all symbols of joy adorn the figure. The crackle glaze is a natural result of the quick firing and cooling.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Drawing on Rives BFK, varnished on panel wood
    11 x 14"
    This is part of a series of indigenous birds in southeast Virginia. The symbolism of the raven is complex. The Talking Raven as in this drawing, is said to represent prophecy and insight.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Cold wax and oil
    6 x 6"
    Everything seems so tense these days. There is so much stress, uncertainty, animosity, and a general fear of the future, the likes of which is a new experience in my life. It’s not just me though, everyone around me appears to be in the same situation. I am now seeking peace and calmness wherever I can find it, in hopes of offsetting all the negativity and worry about where we are all headed. I find that I can still find peace in nature, in beautiful undisturbed landscapes, and in the philosophy of acceptance, for those things that you cannot change in your life. When I sit calmly to paint these scenes it fosters serenity. My hope is that those who view the paintings obtain a sense of tranquility too.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • mixed media--acrylic, cloth, wood, clay, other
    8 x 10"
    As an artist, I work with paint, canvas, cloth, clay, wood, and found objects to create pieces that make the materials part of the subject matter. Whether abstract or figurative, my work will often integrate tactility into its design, but it is not the product of a conscious or intellectual plan; I believe I work within an intuitive context, as though the imagery springs directly from the unconscious in the manner of automatic writing. I feel deeply the mystery of things. As Martin Heidegger said, the fundamental question is Why are there Things? I feel that the things I create, like Baudelaire’s forest of symbols, look at me with comprehending eyes.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • watercolor on paper
    9 x 9"
    Every weekend I love hiking in the woods. One of my favorite hikes passes through wonderful gardens, and I cannot help myself but keep taking pictures of the beauties I find there. Flowers were always my most successful paintings, and to this day, I love painting flowers. I can employ the rich colors I love, and create paintings with intricate, interlocking patterns that nerveless result in a harmonious whole.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Acrylic on paper
    7.5 x 10"
    I often transcribe works to explore composition and color and try new ways of working. In this painting, I tried to follow Cezanne's approach of using color to create the shapes and forms.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil, graphite, charcoal on paper
    12 x 6"
    I was challenged to create a painting based on my garden in an extremely vertical space. I wanted the experience and I wanted to keep it abstract. The climbing vine clematis worked here.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.