Summer Small Works 2024

  • Oil, wax, and graphite on wood panel 10 x 10"
    I work on an intimate scale, which invites viewers to look closely. While this work, done over a couple of years, is on a wooden panel, many of my paintings are on paper -- again at a small scale. This work is a response to the wildfire skies seen in NY, while others in the series, respond to clearing skies and more.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on panel 12 x 12"
    I visit this lovely stream several times a year. I'm not sure which season is more beautiful but here a thick blanket of snow and a stream meandering through may be.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on linen
    9 x 12" Laguna is an endless source of inspiration for me while painting en plein air. The churning waves, the cascading cliffs...these beaches are my home away from home.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • paper, fabric, photographs
    12.5 x 13.75" My 12-piece Screen Shot series explores the transformed landscape of communication in the digital age, particularly under the shadow of the pandemic, which changed the way I connected with family, friends, and colleagues. Due to the lockdown, I found myself attending more and more virtual meetings and interacting with people on a screen. These works depict a screenshot of those people and the spaces behind them during these meetings. I strategically used silhouettes, which both safeguard privacy and add an element of intrigue. While protecting a person’s identity, I also offer an intimate glimpse into their personal spaces – pictures on the wall, books on their shelves, pets on their laps, prompting reflections on the dichotomy of connection and isolation in our digital reality.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • alabaster on black marble base 14 x 5 x 4"
    For me, creating a sculpture is sharing something deeply personal from one human being to another. In college, I was captivated when I watched a carver working on a piece of limestone. It inspired me and I soon took a chisel to a small piece of limestone. I immediately knew that carving was my artistic home. Being in tune with the stone – its color, its grain, its size – is necessary to create forms in harmony. Alabaster is an elegant material. The stone allows expression from the most delicate to the monumental, highly polished to natural texture, allowing light to penetrate and emanate from its surface. I enjoy shaping such hard materials into sensuous, flowing forms that suggest the human spirit. When I leave elements unfinished or the natural stone, the viewer is invited to complete the sculpture in their mind’s eye.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • watercolor
    8 x 7"
    I have had two marriages and one long partnership. Living single is freedom with difficulties...I remember feeling lonely, unmoored, and also unfettered. But a partnership can present a different set of problems. My heroine is floating alone, in calm waters. Beneath her is a world of possibilities, danger, and infinite choices. She is free and pondering her future, as I am constantly questioning my own.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • watercolor mineral pigment, Hanji paper, wrapped on wood pane 12 x 15"
    I have an appreciation of small things and the connections found in nature. This appreciation flows into my artistic process where I have used mulberry paper and mineral pigment from all natural resources. This allows nature's story to be told continuously.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil and pencil on canvas
    12 x 12"
    Field-test: to test something by using it in the actual conditions it was designed for Field Test is comprised of four small oil paintings: Yellow House, Checkerboard, Flowers, and Circus Tent. Each panel was painted as a standalone artwork that could also be viewed together as a quadriptych. After being isolated during the 2020 pandemic, socializing and exploring commonplace, frequently visited locations seemed like new experiences. The tasks, outings, and recreations that were once part of everyday life became not so normal anymore. I equated venturing out as some sort of field test of the new normal. Slowly we began to forget what that was like and life turned routine again. With this work, I hoped to capture the wonder, awe, and even hesitation with which we approach new experiences.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on panel 7 x 13"
    I believe the connection between an artist and their viewer is possible through the recognition of familiar imagery. While presenting most challenges for the artist, traditional realism is the easiest way to ensure that connection. Realism is not a thing from the past that only belongs in museums but rather a clear, eloquent language that can get a contemporary message across, be serious or whimsical, humorous, or even playful.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Hand-cut rice paper, historical element, NY Times 15 x 15"
    Nabeshima Nagako (1855-1941) was an elegant lady of Japanese high society from the Meiji period to the early Showa era. In April 1881 Nagako married Nabeshima Naohiro, eleventh and final daimyo of the Saga Domain in Rome, Italy, where he was performing official duties. Nagako served as secretary and chair of the Volunteer Nurses Association of the Japanese Red Cross Society from 1887 to 1936 as well as president of the Oriental Women's Association. The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn was my inspiration for this mystical piece. The beauty of the blue cosmos in the night sky abounds over the golden butterflies and dragonflies in my garden this summer. Often, butterflies will appear in our dreams. Seeing butterflies is an invitation to see our transformative possibilities. The Ionic Roman Columns are ancient honeyed relics from past loves -- memories we hold dear.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Stoneware
    8 x 9 x 7"  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Onyx mounted on limestone
    10.5 x 7.25 x 5"  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Hand embroidered on linen
    8 x 7"
    Wildfires happen every year where I live in California. They are scary and even if they’re not too close by, the air gets polluted with ash and smoke. Panic was inspired by the ongoing wildfires the year this was made. Hand embroidery gives me options that other mediums do not. Sewing and growing an image, stitch by stitch, adds to its narrative. The long process of stitching an encroaching fire, roiling water, or a flooded landscape raises the drama. The process of hand embroidery is engrossing and exciting. Including the weave and textures of the background textile into the piece adds to the possibilities. The potential of this medium draws me into my studio every day.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • marble on alabaster
    10.5 x 7.5 x 2.25"
    I create expressive sculptural forms from natural materials, drawing inspiration from both nature and the human figure, yet venturing toward abstraction. The essence of my work often embodies a biomorphic aesthetic, offering a tangible representation of our human connection to the environment. The idiosyncrasies of each piece of stone or wood present unique technical and creative opportunities. I approach this with a blend of intuitive and calculated design solutions. The inspiration for this work was to upcycle leftover pieces in my studio. I am also venturing into working additively instead of subtractively.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Alabaster
    8 x 10 x 8"
    Having created one-of-a-kind stone sculptures over the past fifty years, I normally work on a very large scale. The "petite" Rose Aura represents my joy in finding within the rock a form open, flowing, and involved. The veining of this particular stone intrigued me with its many veins and patterns.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Glazed Ceramic on Found Object
    8 x 4.5"
    “Perfect is the enemy of good” is a quote usually attributed to Voltaire. While I appreciated the warning inherent in the message, I was caught up in classical techniques that I felt were a historically validated process and a pre-trodden pathway to excellence. It was the “right” way to do things. I cannot explain…even to myself…how or why I yearned to explore other ways of working. Was it the isolation of the pandemic? Left to myself…fewer exhibitions to participate in…and time…? Perhaps that was the conspiracy allowing me to refocus and approach sculpture as if I was just learning for the first time. YouTube taught me how to make a cup from a slab of clay… No model…no armature…no mandate. I experimented with the ceramic way of building and after several workshops…SLAB Work took off. The results are portraits that are playful and honest and leave the viewer to come to their own conclusions. To rediscover sculpture in a new way at this stage in my career has been amazing and energizing.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Bronze
    10.5 x 7.75 x 7.5" I was inspired by my visit to South Carolina, visiting a marketplace where local women were comfortably creating new baskets while surrounded by others for sale. I wanted to capture this beautiful story of the Basket Weaver, which is full of history and her life today.  
    Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Bronze
    9.5 x 11 x 11"
    Little Madison came to model for me but she was very shy and didn't know what pose to take. She began crying when she saw that people would be watching, but I promised her that they would look at me, and not at her. I asked her what she did for fun and she said she loved to draw. I said, "Me too! Would you like to use my drawing pencils and paper and make some drawings for me?" For over two hours she sat and drew, while I created this little sculpture. Her purple shoes led me to believe that deep inside this shy little girl, there was a big artist inside.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.