Flushing Bank - Life's Journey

October 15, 2024 – January 26, 2025

On view in-person at:
Flushing Bank, 225 Park Ave South, New York, NY
Flushing Bank, 217 Havemeyer Street, Brooklyn, NY

  • Oil on stretched linen canvas 16 x 16 x 1/2 in.   Moving on in life I became steadily aware of the fact that my relationship with dreams and aspirations had become disconnected, survival became the guiding star. Stepping back and embracing larger constellations, realizing that all lives have an end date, it was time to make the most of what time I do have left, which is to nurture my original impulses and challenges while at the same time creating meaningful connections between how I feel and ways to express it.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on canvas 24 x 24 x 1.5 in.   When my mother passed away I found I couldn't continue painting as usual and painted only her death for six months, always in an expressionist manner. At first the works were colorful, even cheery; next a beautiful waterfall of tears; and finally, my entry "Mourning Aiti," a somber, and as it happens, feminine, design.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Mixed media, drawing on paper 24 x 18 x 1 in.   Lena is my oldest grandchild and only granddaughter. Although she lives on the West coast, we have always shared a special bond. This summer, while she, her father and brother were visiting us in Virginia, she got her first period. Later, as we sat together, I began to sketch. At one point, she created a peep hole to look through as we talked. That gesture portrayed for me the ambivalence of the moment. It felt as though she was looking out at the future, as she contemplated the consequences of her body changing to her adult self. Her pose captured he tension between childhood and adulthood, highlighting the uncertainty and conflicting emotions that come with this transition   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on canvas 20 x 24 x .7 in.   "Taking a Break" captures a moment of serene introspection as a woman, suspended in a dreamlike state, floats atop a cloud against swirling cosmic hues. This piece conveys the profound experience of pausing amidst life's complexities, highlighting the intimate relationship between the female spirit and the universe. The painting reflects the strength and resilience inherent in the female journey.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Photography 16 x 20 x 2 in.   There are no hands like a grandmother's, that have soothed the sick, planted and tended the seeds, cooked and served the food, sewed clothes, and might have delivered a spanking or two! Each line, each wrinkle has been well earned, over decades of love and selfless care for her family.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on canvas 21 x 25 in.   LOOK OUTSIDE The model for this painting is my beautiful granddaughter Jamie, with gorgeous naturally curly saffron colored hair. She is only 8 years old here, but she is tall, making her look older. She is unaware of her natural youthful beauty. I love the lopsided bow on the back of her shirt. Seeing the work in progress, Jamie asked me to put an owl in the painting. I painted a barn owl in flight. The owl, like her wisdom, is coming towards her, but in her innocence, she looks the other way. Pensive (Jesse)This lovely young woman sits at the sweet threshold of adulthood. Her skin is soft and rosy. She's surrounded by hearth and home.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Monotype 36 x 24.74 x .75 in.   The forest, for me, is more than just a place. It's a sanctuary, a source of inspiration, and a canvas for my art. It's where I slow down and appreciate the gifts of nature, experience serenity, and seek healing. This deep connection to nature is the driving force behind my work. It reflects life's journeys as an artist, a mother, and my role as a human in the natural world. My art vibrates with this, communicating with mark=making rooted in impressionism and abstractionism, forming a symbiotic relationship with the past and present with the joy of raising children and sadness of leaving the nest. The works are a dance of light and hope that I found in change and share with the viewer.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Ink, pastel, and color pencil on paper 40 x 22.5 in.   Ever since antiquity, astronomers have studied the 13 phases of Venus, from her rise as the morning star, to her descent into invisibility, and her re-emergence in the evening sky. These phases occur over a 19-month cycle, marking both a physical and a spiritual passage. I expressed each phase in a different work. The journey begins with Inception, passing through Gestation, Birth, Emergence towards Fullness and Self-Discovery. Then Immersion and Transmutation are followed by Rebirth, Remembering, Wholeness, Completion. My inspiration was a found ledger of observations of the 1874 Transit of Venus, a phenomenon occurring every 243 years when the planet moves across the face of the sun.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Oil on canvas 24 x 18 x 1 in.   This picture is a retrospective look at my life. The path of a women who grew up in Siberia, and as an adult began wandering around other countries and culture. Art and culture, as well as nature save me in my hard journey through life. So this painting is my appreciation to them.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.  
  • Acrylic on canvas 20 x 20 in.   When I was a young girl, my dad taught me to swim. He'd let me hold onto him as he swam deep underwater....and I loved that feeling of gliding through the water, holding onto him. I never could last as long as he could underwater, and I'd have to let go and swim madly up for air. Those are some of my favorite memories with him...swimming. When he died, I dreamed we were swimming together again, only this time I was the one swimming deep underwater and he was the one swimming madly to the surface...and this time he went far further than the surface.; he went straight on into the sky. I woke up missing him, but happy we could swim together again...even if it is in my dreams.   Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.