Mary Ahern, Chair, Public Relations Committee

Mary Ahern

The NAWA Public Relations Committee has been enjoying tremendously the expansion of projects which we’ve introduced over the last period of time. Our committee is 100% volunteer run and we focus on the interests and available amount of time each member has to offer. We believe that playing to our strengths makes for a positive experience for everyone.

In the last two years we expanded our social media involvement. We standardized on how, what, and where we post on our dedicated social media channels. We also established a Members Only Facebook Group which is focused not just on posting your latest shows or artwork, but on the sharing of information and encouraging conversations among our artists. We’re happy to see our contributions expanding the reach and engagement of our NAWA artists.

Another project we launched is the documentation and retrieval of the vast array of the work and creative efforts of our historical members. Though our historical archives are stored at the The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey we are expanding upon and gathering additional information regarding their work.

We have a team who is working together to research and build out a database of our artists, their art, published articles and links to the many other websites and sources we can find. Since women have consistently been written out of art history, we are working on gathering, building and saving the history of our own members. Don’t forget, NAWA has been empowering women artists since 1889!

Bursting forth from Covid, we are working to modernize and standardize all our online and print graphics and text. This process is filtering through all our press releases, social media sites, stationery and brochures to create a fresh, new, and modern image to our historic organization.

With input from our Exhibition Committee cohorts, we write the press releases that are distributed throughout a variety of outside online publications. The graphics we create are also utilized throughout all our social media outlets. Since we at NAWA have a robust exhibition schedule, this work is a significant portion of our responsibilities.

As a committee we hold one monthly PR Committee meeting on zoom on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am. We also have small, short mini-meetings with the individuals working on specific projects on an as needed basis. The part I enjoy the most at these meetings is at the beginning and end when we all just casually catch up with each other and talk about our art. We’re a team and we enjoy and appreciate each other. We also appreciate the contributions we are making to promote the work of all current and historic NAWA artists.