(We wanted to bring you this touching letter from NAWA member Diane Bassin and the story behind her painting of the last white Rhino on the planet. We encourage you to share your news with us and are always exited to receive them. SB)
![white rhino](https://i0.wp.com/thenawa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/white-rhino.jpg?resize=600%2C418&ssl=1)
Diane Bassin, Steadfast Spirits, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 36 in, 2021
Hi Sandra,
Hope you are doing well. I am well, living in Westerly, RI since Covid started. My husband’s back surgery was cancelled in March 2020 and we were forced to find a Dr. who would take his case in RI. Thankfully, he had the surgery, recuperated well and we plan to return to NY in the Spring.
I wasn’t sure if you are gathering updates from members to be included in any NAWA newsletters, which I have thoroughly enjoyed, especially during these Covid times. Recently, I was accepted into the juried Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts online Exhibition (CAFA) which runs from Oct 16 thru Nov 27th. The theme was “Transformation” and my painting “Steadfast Spirits” is added below.
In case you’re interested, the painting shows the death of the last male white Rhino in Africa in 2018. There remained only two living female descendants. The story behind it is that there is significant hope this subspecies of rhino will be saved from extinction through groundbreaking reproductive technology that scientists have recently discovered, thus preserving their lineage.
Hopefully, I will see you at one of our exhibitions in the city sometime soon, when things are close to normal. In the meantime, be well and thanks for all the great work you do for NAWA members like me.
In gratitude,
Diane (Bassin)
CAFA+ Transformation View All | CAFA (ctacademy.org)