president of NAWAI would like to introduce myself to you. I became President in May 2024 at a wonderful luncheon held at the historic National Arts Club in New York City. The speaker was Judith Brodsky and she spoke meaningfully about her career as an artist and about the print institute she established. In June, NAWA held the 135th Annual Exhibition at One Art Space in New York City, and sponsored two related panel discussions.

There have been multiple zoom meetings with NAWA’s Standing Committees, and the NAWA Chapters – FL, SC, MA. As of September, we have a new chapter in Pennsylvania. The chapters do phenomenal work and I would encourage members to join them and expand the reach of your work. Please consider volunteering. I am learning a lot and have incredible support from Jill Baratta, NAWA Executive Director, Christie Devereaux, Vice President, and Chelsey Brandis, Membership and Program Manager. We have a new office manager, Mckenzie Hickey.

In regard to my artistic career, I am a sculptor and medallist. I work in relief and in the round, carving stone and wood, and modeling in clay and casting in bronze. I was in nursing school and have a degree in Occupational Therapy. During this time, I studied anatomy and gained an appreciation of the beauty and intricacies of the human body. That started me on the trajectory of figurative sculpting, which allows one to feel the volume, texture, and warmth of a form. Medallic art is a very small relief form, often no larger than 6 inches, but it can deal with universal themes. I have a “Shout Out” about medallic art in this issue of NAWA Now.

Showing artists’ work is a primary goal of NAWA. The Exhibition Committee has posted monthly shows, in-gallery and online. We are starting to have specific media shows along with general open titles. Another ongoing goal is to make NAWA known as the organization for outstanding women artists and artwork. Please let us know if you have ideas for shows, contacts for galleries and museums, or sponsors. We are always looking to establish partnerships and support the sisterhood.