Did You Know?

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Elena Zelenina

Meet Elena Zelenina a Signature NAWA Artist/Author Some of our NAWA Signature Artists are also recognized authors who have published their work in books, articles, and papers both online, and offline. Their writing is as diverse as their artwork, covering fiction, non-fiction, academic research, poetry, children's books and more. A standard set of [...]

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Elena Zelenina2023-10-02T11:40:48-04:00

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Kathleen Zimmerman

Meet Kathleen Zimmerman a Signature NAWA Artist/Author Some of our NAWA Signature Artists are also recognized authors who have published their work in books, articles, and papers both online, and offline. Their writing is as diverse as their artwork, covering fiction, non-fiction, academic research, poetry, children's books and more. A standard set of [...]

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Kathleen Zimmerman2023-09-21T11:39:37-04:00

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Meredeth Turshen

Meet Meredeth Turshen a Signature NAWA Artist/Author Meredeth Turshen. NAWA Artist/Author Some of our NAWA Signature Artists are also recognized authors who have published their work in books, articles, and papers both online, and offline. Their writing is as diverse as their artwork, covering fiction, non-fiction, academic research, poetry, children's books [...]

Meet The NAWA Artist/Author Meredeth Turshen2023-09-07T15:53:25-04:00

Who Are The NAWA Artist Authors?

Did you know that NAWA is looking to promote our member artists who are also authors? Susan Rostan Author and NAWA Signature Artist Have you written? Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Is your subject about art or about something completely different? We’d like to know! Have you published a book? [...]

Who Are The NAWA Artist Authors?2023-11-20T18:55:04-05:00

Did You Know? Six Signature Members of NAWA Juried Into The Big Picture Show

Six Signature Members Were Juried Into The Big Picture Show at the Art League of Long Island. Often at NAWA, we find there are clusters of committed and professional women artists in various locations around the country. On Long Island, just outside of New York City, we have one of these groups of [...]

Did You Know? Six Signature Members of NAWA Juried Into The Big Picture Show2023-06-30T23:00:46-04:00

Edith Prellwitz a NAWA Founder at the Met

Did You Know... Edith Mitchill Prellwitz at The Met. Edith Mitchell Prellwitz, The Elevated, oil on canvas, 1888 Edith Mitchill Prellwitz, one of NAWA's founders, is currently in an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. You can visit the Met show now through October 29, 2023 in-person or [...]

Edith Prellwitz a NAWA Founder at the Met2023-06-22T14:52:17-04:00

NAWA Is On Wikipedia

The National Association of Women Artists has a Wikipedia presence which you see here. In the Wikipedia post, you can begin to read about some of the history of NAWA from its founding in 1889. Where you will also read that NAWA has changed its name a few times over the years. From 1889 until [...]

NAWA Is On Wikipedia2023-06-07T22:29:23-04:00