Meyriel Edge, President
The NAWA SC Chapter was established with seventeen artists in 2018. Our Chapter now has 54 members representing twelve States from NY to CA. We follow NAWA’s mission to promote awareness of, and interest in, visual art created by our member artists. We achieve this through exhibitions, social media, studio gatherings, a quarterly newsletter, and an annual meeting and lunch.
In May 2025, our Brookgreen Inspires – Women Create exhibit will be held at the prestigious Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Visionaries behind Brookgreen Gardens were Anna Hyatt and Archer Milton Huntington. Anna, a NAWA member in the early 1900s, planned Brookgreen to showcase her sculptures and SC flora and fauna. Brookgreen is now considered a preeminent venue, exhibiting American
sculpture from the 19th century to the present. It is meaningful to our members to have the opportunity to continue the NAWA sisterhood through Anna Hyatt Huntington’s legacy at Brookgreen.
Our SC Chapter has coordinated exhibits with national organizations such as the Pat Conroy Literary Center and Penn Center; the Vendue Art Hotel Gallery and City Gallery in Charleston; the Burroughs Chapin Museum in Myrtle Beach; the Smithsonian affiliate: Coastal Discovery Museum in Hilton Head, among others.
All artists juried into NAWA National may join the SC Chapter to enjoy exhibitions, networking, and professional development benefits. Please apply through our website: Annual dues are $30.00 via PayPal or you may send a check for the annual dues to: NAWA SC Treasurer: Melinda Welker, 157 Red Cedar Rd. Aiken, SC 29803. When you join, please email NAWA SC Membership Director, Susan Irish at She will advise on the information required to add you to our membership roster and the website.