acrylic on wood

10 x 8 x 1.5″

Inger is my mother. She has recently passed. I think most humans can relate to the importance of their mothers. The first face in one’s sights. The dominant female presence shaping their lives. What could be a more vital character in telling the story of your life?

Growing up I felt our school was really lacking in history. I only remember hearing about Inuit and feudalism and serfs and such. Therefore, as I have aged I am revisiting history whenever I can. I recently read about many incredible black women facing terrible racism and hardship but still able to be strong and make a difference in this world.

Ida B.Wells was a journalist who exposed the brutality of lynching in the South. She also was a leading figure in the women’s suffrage movement, having to go up against the prodominently white Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

Mary Church Terrell was one of the first African-American women to earn a college degree. She was the first African -American on the school board. She founded the National Association of Colored Women and the National Association of college women. And she was a charter member of the NAACP. What a role model in those rough times!

Any light shed on these two incredible women is important to our history.


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