7 x 5 in.
w/frame 12 x 10 in.

As a photographer, spending time in nature’s wildlife habitats can result in either missed opportunities or getting a perfect image. The morning I visited Donnelly Wildlife Preserve, I hoped to photograph marsh birds along the water’s edge. As I drove along a dyke, I saw a unique shaped branch shooting out of the pond that would make a good landing spot for avian subjects. I set-up my tripod and camera, with 500mm lens, to aim just at the top of the branch. Then I chose my camera settings so I would be ready to snap a photo if a bird landed there. I was ecstatic when, about 30 minutes later, a Belted Kingfisher perched on the branch. I often hear Kingfishers when out near marshes, but is difficult to see them; and photographing one is even more so. Capturing this photo made my day.

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