Tic Tac Tow
Acrylic, ink on mini canvases & frame under glass
Size of Piece: 8 x 8
Size of Piece Framed: 9 x 9
I tell stories with explosive color!
The Games Series comprised of 12 small works under glass is a a nostalgic tale which began with Checquers and Tic Tac Tow. Bowling a ling, Scrabble Soup, Sushi Pool and many, followed.
Painting doodling and combining various materials on tiny canvases and other surfaces produced infinite creative possibilities.
Incorporating the technique of the women of Ularu, Australia, the Pointalists, Fauvists and 20th century Pop, I recreated many of these iconic games as dimensional, intricate, and colorful, stories.
Join me and the Games in a trip down memory lane.
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