Glazed Ceramic on Found Object

8 x 4.5″

“Perfect is the enemy of good” is a quote usually attributed to Voltaire.

While I appreciated the warning inherent in the message, I was caught up in classical techniques that I felt were a historically validated process and a pre-trodden pathway to excellence. It was the “right” way to do things.

I cannot explain…even to myself…how or why I yearned to explore other ways of working.
Was it the isolation of the pandemic? Left to myself…fewer exhibitions to participate in…and time…? Perhaps that was the conspiracy allowing me to refocus and approach sculpture as if I was just learning for the first time.

YouTube taught me how to make a cup from a slab of clay… No model…no armature…no mandate. I experimented with the ceramic way of building and after several workshops…SLAB Work took off.

The results are portraits that are playful and honest and leave the viewer to come to their own conclusions.

To rediscover sculpture in a new way at this stage in my career has been amazing and energizing.


Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.