Recycled Brown Bags & Acrylic Collage on Canvas
Size of Piece: 24 x 36 x 2
My work is a reminder of the peaceful, centered energy of the miraculous, natural living world which surrounds us. My collages are made from torn, recycled brown shopping bags that I first paint with acrylics and then rip them and adhere the pieces to canvas. I am interested in the concept that the bags started out as trees and then were made into paper which was torn and collaged into an image of the natural world, which in itself provided the required inspiration and energy.
I hope that the viewer thinks that they are looking at beautiful and serene paintings at first glance, then discover that they are viewing a collage that involved a painstaking genesis in the studio. Each is the product of many months or years of work.In addition, the pieces are often autobiographical.
Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between the artist and buyer after the purchase.