Oil on canvas
10 x 10 in.
w/frame 10.5 x 10.5 in.

I have long been fascinated with painting water in all it’s variations. I love the power and incredible colors present in the churning ocean as well as the quieter moods of a calm pond or the rushing of a stream over rocks.

Recently, I got a dog who loves the water. I spend a lot of time with her and her dog friends at the beach or a pond. So it wasn’t much of a leap to want to try my hand at representing the joy of these ‘water dogs.” It’s a rich source of reference material watching these dogs being crazy, goofy and so very happy as they race play in the water or swim for balls and sticks.

This painting is part of a series of dogs and water I am currently working on — the best of two things that I love!

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