Acrylic On Canvas

12.25 x 12.25″

While my father was suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, he lived with our family for six years. We kept him out of a nursing home as long as possible, until the last year necessitated it, even though he had the long-term insurance coverage to be in one longer. This was his first stay in a nursing home during an extended family vacation. Nursing homes had always seemed to me in the past, to be places where people became invisible and ignored by family, so our need to place him there during this first temporary stay was very upsetting to me…plus that night he was running a low-grade fever from a sinus infection and wasn’t feeling well. I took a series of photos and re-composed his image with others in the waiting room in wheelchairs, placed behind him. I soon learned that people may need to have this extra help, no matter how distasteful the prospect.


Additional shipping/delivery charges will be handled between artist and buyer after the purchase.