punch needle embroidery on weaver’s cloth

30 x 24 x 2″

Rejecting the insinuations often thrust upon the female form, this work presents a highly rigid and resolutely geometric portrait of a woman, without a stroke of curvature. It’s depiction of a fractured facial profile calls out the notion of discomfort from unwanted attention and mis-placed celebration of beauty that women receive simply by just being out in the world. The Artist presents a reaction-driven portrayal of those exchanges, and simultaneously shows strength embodied in female agency. This work re-examines our perceptions on “social appropriateness”. The Artist’s mission is to abstract identifiable features and remove individual characteristics to varying degrees, creating broadly familiar subjects that reflect femininity as part of the Whole rather than the Individual. The textures and micro-patterns in the thread-work accent the idea that there is no definable limit from where the fabric that we wear ends and our more personal and emotional inner weavings begin.


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