Rosemary Cotnoir

Rosemary Cotnoir

I started out 55 years ago as a landscape painter. Over the years I transitioned into abstraction. I still consider myself a landscape painter but focusing more the abstract components of nature. My work explores patterns using aerial views of landscapes, i.e. coastlines, marshes, forests and rivers. I use symmetrical, asymmetrical, and organic shapes that I see around me. I am influenced by indigenous peoples, Japanese wood block prints and the work of Gustav Klimt. I apply various colors of background paint to a canvas by squirting the paint on and moving it around with my hands. It’s a very random and organic method. Once dried I study it deciding where I want to go and how I want to get there. Patterns and lines in nature are always considered. Flow and movement are added along with mark making. My paintings are a combination of controlled chaos.

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