Rhonda Urdang

Rhonda Urdang

My work concerns itself with the intricacies of my collective unconscious. As a feminist artist living and working at 7,000 feet near my vantage point of the sacred San Francisco Peaks in Northern Arizona, symbols are very much a part of my daily life. G-d has been a womyn since the beginning of time — a reminder that archeologists believed divinity was considered female for the first 200,000 years of human life on earth. The ovule contains positive and negative forces which together emit camouflaged existence with hidden meanings. I’m interested in making contemporary art that challenges the narrative. I gain visual pleasure from unraveling the feminine mystique while peeling away layers of eidetic memory in my innovative art practice. We are all heroines of our own collective memory. Stargazing has become a crucial aspect of my world on the Colorado Plateau for the past three decades.

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