Rhona LK Schonwald

Rhona LK Schonwald

Relationships of color as a metaphor for relationships in life inspire my creativity. My goal is to create compositions in which elements not only peacefully coexist, but also enhance each other, spurring viewers’ imaginations. Long ago, I decided that as an artist, I wanted to elicit joy to make the world a better place. I admire those who create profound, controversial works, but that is not my calling. People encounter negativity every day of their lives— in the daily news, in the congested traffic, or in politics. Colors flowing into each other represent the interactions of humanity, including all races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, etc. Fortunately I have witnessed positive physical changes in people viewing my pieces—shoulders relaxing, brows unfurrowing, & more. My work has been used as an aid in easing mental illness and as well as been a catalyst for romance! To enhance the experience & viewers’ imaginations, most creations are designed to be rotated.

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