Nancy Dillen

Nancy Dillen

Reality and fantasy define my majestically realistic oil paintings ranging from “Fruit and Vegetable Landscapes,” “The Woodchuck Underdog,” “Mind-scapes,” and the “Water Circus.” All painted images show my intrigue with color and space. My aim is to merge real and unreal, the romantic and the dramatic. The more my work evolves, the more complex it becomes. In all m, the natural world connects with the imagined. Now, my graphite drawings absorb my time. What makes my drawings unique is my ability to reveal unexpected worlds populated with haunting faces and hidden objects in veined canyons and the fringes of a single dried leaf. For me, art should have surprises and be a feast for the eyes. My goal is for others to discover the joy of really looking at art. Above my easel I have posted a sign that says, “Do the unexpected!” I agree with Marcel Proust’s statement, “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”

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