Micheline Klagsbrun

Micheline Klagsbrun

My recent mixed-media work, both sculptural and on paper, evokes experiences of displacement and migration. I began with my family’s experiences during World War II as they scattered worldwide. In creating Night Boats I revisit family memories of dislocation and precarious sea voyages. Patched together from a variety of unseaworthy materials, these fragile vessels evoke the refugees’ desperation but also their resourcefulness, resilience and determination. They resonate with current plight of refugees and asylum seekers everywhere. At the same time, the work alludes to symbolic voyages into the unknown: the journey of the soul through the Underworld and at night. On these voyages, what memories do we hold on to and what belongings carry these memories for us? In Anchors of the Heart, I create works on paper that invite the viewer into the intimacy of precious possessions: anchors in the floating world.

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