Julie Castillo

Julie Castillo

Drawing has always been my strongest passion. After many years of working as an illustrator in Los Angeles, New York, and Italy, my style has evolved. As a fine artist. I have returned to drawing my paintings. Inspiration in everyday life, people, structures, and landscapes. Tools used are watercolor crayons/sticks & oil sticks, gouache, egg tempra, oils on canvas, Oleo paper or watercolor paper. Allowing for an immediate avenue of expression, natural freedom. Layers of color buildup bring a depth to each painting. The use of a brush is secondary to drawing with solid colors. Its use is to add more information to the final piece. These tools allow for a drawing/painting expressive style. Materials influence every painting. I continue to sculpt with clay and paper; and to create images with printmaking. The great illustrators turned fine artists, such as Hopper, O’Keeffe, Homer, Benton, Kollwitz, Cadmus, Bellows and others have influenced and inspired.

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