Judi Krew
Hoard Couture is an ongoing collection of wearable art garments. The pieces explore social, environmental, behavioral or personal issues with the purpose of starting a conversation, either within oneself as a viewer, or with others who may be present. Though my point of view may be discernible, I do not explicitly take a firm position so the message presented can be universally approachable. Awareness of a situation is a necessary first step to finding a solution. Hoard Couture creations encourage such recognition. A few garments are interactive so the viewer may explore in depth. I embrace the mantra of reuse, repurpose, reconsider and re-imagine. I do not however, recycle as that term implies a physical compositional change to an object. The materials with which I work, in essence, are still usable as intended if a garment should subsequently be deconstructed.
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