Harriet Serenkin

Harriet Serenkin

I love taking apart computers and electronics. I also love using the parts to create art. After I create the base using computer parts, I adorn the piece with beads, metals, plastics, and other things I find. I get my inspiration from lots of sources, including museums and galleries, magazines and books, art classes, artists, and my imagination and dreams. I constantly teach myself new techniques, experiment with ways to work with different materials, and share ideas. Many of my pieces come about serendipitously, trying one thing and ending up with something unexpected and wonderful, which is what I love about creating art. I purposely give my pieces ambiguous names, such as this Journey series of assemblages, which I hope encourages viewers to interact with my pieces. When someone asks me “What is it,” my response is “What do you see?” I am always surprised and delighted by the responses.

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