Fleur Spolidor

Fleur Spolidor

As a kid, I used to go to my grandparents’ house for the holidays. Next door was my great-grandfather’s antique store. I would sneak into the store through the garage. Inside were amazing treasures, paintings, sculptures, crystal chandeliers, jewelry. Since I was not supposed to be there, I never dared turn on the lights. As the sunlight passed through the store’s beautiful stained glass, it illuminated and colored the antiques. It was magical! As kids, we are all adventurers, it’s part of becoming adults. But the story doesn’t stop there. That’s when we become adults that things get more complicated. Becoming a woman, you slowly notice how society pressures you, to be, act or look a certain way. At first you try to understand, decrypt and even comply but after a while you start to rebel, protest and ask for change. The “Alice” series is helping me share with you contemporary women’s struggles from the length of our bathing suits to our pink hats.

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