Claude Larson

Claude Larson

My creative journey transformed when I reimagined fabric and sewing machines as expressive mediums rather than utilitarian tools. Having honed the skills necessary to sew useful items, My knowledge about textiles and what they could and could not do and my proficiency with construction methods, allowed me greater freedom. Throwing away patterns and abandoning rules, I fearlessly embraced experimentation and returned to the beginner’s mind. My exploration expanded from textiles to paper, paint, collage, and mixed media. I am guided by intuition and an acquired understanding of design principles. Evident in my work are two key elements: my profound love for color and a fascination with shape. The interplay of colors serves as an endless source of inspiration. Equally compelling is my appreciation for shape, evident across all mediums. Through the elements of design, I aim to create a visual experience that delivers both harmony and variation to capture the viewer’s interest.

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