Callie Hirsch

Callie Hirsch

From Kadinsky, Miro, and Klee to the great architect and artist/environmental activist Hundertwasser, they all share a wonderful expression of nature’s rhythms. Hirsch’s work brings forth seductive patterns, flowing with pulsating energy throughout the artwork. Traveling twists and turns in themes of natural order. “Callie’s naturalistic sense is rich with visual information. One feels a sense of discovery when viewing her work. Her playfulness is evident in her organic dancing forms, which deal with highly decorated bodies, be they mammal or floral. The paintings are created in warm, inviting colors. We see bodies touching, plants reaching out, and portraits staring at us in curious ways. Callie’s work is an ongoing exploration, ever changing from the recognizable to the unknown. She introduces us to mysterious characters of her inner world. There is a sense of harmony and gracefulness in her work, similar to that of the aboriginal artists of Australia

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