Baila Litton

Baila Litton

The ongoing displaced project 2019-2024 which includes years of living dangerously, is my response to ladened anxiety and stress due to the global pandemic, social injustice, political dysfunction, climate change, and the ever-expanding wartime conflicts. This work consists of surreal amalgamations of body parts. These hybrid figures are multi-armed, legged, imaginative amalgamations as in Displaced Project/Years of Living Dangerously #3 (2022). Exploring displacement through the lens of philosophy, history, and social justice and working them through the personal rather than the impersonal allowed my work to take new-found dimensions. Working from photos I take and research done in the form of conversation and note-taking is an integral part of my process. I use various media such as acrylic, pencil, ink, pastel, oil stick, charcoal, watercolor, oil pens, my drawings, collage, on arches, mulberry, and Kozo paper to reflect events, their order, and disorder .

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