Sandra Bertrand, Sarah Katz, Mimi Hererra-Pease
(As “Art Angels” we wanted to share in this issue the artworks we were invited to submit to this once a year exhibition. We are proud to support NAWA in our own small way and invite our readers to participate in any way you can as “Art Angels” to continue to make the organization the strongest it can be. )

Sandra Bertrand,Balos Bathers, Crete, Acrylic 16 in. x 20 in.
At some point, we find ourselves in the welcoming throes of summer and then, in the wink of an hour, a day, a week, it is fall. With the change of seasons, comes for many a change in the air and crisp new resolve to continue the challenge and wonder of creating in our own unique voices.
In that spirit, I wanted our readership to know that the building of NAWA NOW over five wonderful years has been a challenge worth the taking. As I step down from the founding leadership, Mimi and Sarah look forward in the transition to bringing you the stories, graphics and cover art you have come to enjoy, as well as introducing in coming issues the new voices and art to fill the pages of NAWA NOW. We welcome your ideas and happenings in your own area, as well as contributions you might be willing to make in writing, editing, proofreading, graphics and web communications to make each issue relevant to the membership. And I look forward to peeking over your shoulder to read each and every future issue and even adding a word or two from time to time.

Sarah Katz, Dreaming Bird Woman, Stoneware, encaustic, paint, feathers 8 in. x 19 in. x 10 in.
In this issue we invite you to explore the ideas and inspiration of the following artists:
Carol Richard Kaufmann as our featured Red Carpet interviewee; Linh Vivace’s Pathfinding unearths the life and art of the Haudenosaunee Indian community of women who left an indelible mark on the early suffragettes; Nadine Saitlin sharing her expertise with two-dimensional painting, and designing with gourds; member Shout Outs; our special IN THE NEWS guest, Joyce Kozloff, the Women’s Studio Workshop and much more.

Mimi Herrera-Pease, Ignited, Oil on Canvas 16 in. x 16 in.
NAWA is and always has been a sisterhood of possibility. We look forward to the events and exhibits that await, the induction of new members and the energy and excitement they bring, and the promise of a vibrant and eye-opening Annual Exhibition to reaffirm and introduce the many talents that our membership contains.
Wishing an inspiring and invigorating season to all!
Sandra Bertrand, Senior Editor
Sarah Katz, Editor
Mimi-Herrera-Pease, Arts Editor