In ancient mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who represented the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person or force that serves as an artist’s inspiration. The National Association of Women Artists is pleased to present The Creative Muse, which will open on March 12 and run through May 8 in Crayola Gallery. The works in The Creative Muse, an open juried exhibition, explore the theme of inspiration and the Muse for the contemporary female artist.
The Creative Muse is part of the National Association of Women Artists’ mission of empowering, promoting, supporting and encouraging women artists nationally and locally. It features artwork by Lucinda Abra, Patricia Andreotti, Margery Appelbaum, Jill Baker, Arista Baltronis, Joanne Beaule Ruggles, Sandra Benhaim, Hillary Bradley, Elizabeth Brownlow, Judith Cantor, Anannya Chowdhury, Dorothy Cochran, Leslie Ebert, Christine Frisbee, Judith Fritchman, Cassandra Gordon-Harris, Ana Hamilton, Susan G. Hammond, Yevette Hendler, Tanya Lowrance, Marie Massey, Susan Mauney, Linda Mulhauser, Irene Nedelay, Patricia O’Brien, Mary Alice Orito, Leah Raab, Roberta Rose, Penny Seldin, Phyllis Shenny, Anica Shpilberg, Suzanne Smith, Michiko Smith, Linda Snider-Ward, Lynne Stone, Ginger Summit, Rhonda M. Thomas-Urdang, Mary Tooley Parker, Pamela Tudor, Doreen Valenza, Georgette L Veeder, Marilyn Webberley and Joan Wheeler.