Sarah Katz, Editor, NAWA NOW Magazine
We have a mission at NAWA NOW Magazine. That mission is to provide content that is for us, about us and by us.
With this issue, we introduce NOW Magazine’s dedicated email address: magazine@thenawa.org
Please send us comments on articles, tell us about your important shows, offer to do a Shout Out essay or suggest an article.
Also, starting with the next issue, the Shout Outs section will be open to any NAWA members to submit a short essay about themselves and their work. We will not judge them since our members have already been juried into NAWA. We will edit them for clarity and length. Please include four or five images of you and your work. We publish three or four Shout Outs per issue, so if we don’t publish yours immediately after you submit, it will be included in a future issue. If you’re thinking of submitting, and want some guidance, have a look at the Shout Outs in this issue and past issues by visiting the NAWA website.
Sometimes I think that this job is just too demanding and I can’t do it anymore, and then I read the amazing submissions that come in from our members and I feel privileged to be here and have a hand in distributing them to you. During my time here, I have begun to understand more about the special challenges we women face and the subjects that both haunt and fascinate us. I am more respectful of women artists now than I was when I started as your Editor. We are diverse. We are devoted. We are smart and talented and creative. We generate ideas, images, and experiences. We make objects in traditional and nontraditional ways. We embrace norms and we break them. We balance caring for our friends and families with our work.
If you are doing something related to your art in your community, tell us about it. If you have an idea for an article, let us know. We want to hear from you.
If you want to volunteer to participate in in the magazine, let us know your skill set.
We are all volunteers here.
Finally, thanks to all who stepped up to work on this issue, who wrote, interviewed, edited, and proofread.
Thanks to my coeditors, Patrice Boyes, Mimi Herrera Pease, and Sandra Bertram (emeritus)
Patrice Boyes, Co-Editor

Patrice Boyes, Co-Editor
The Fall issue of NAWA NOW Magazine marks my first anniversary of induction into this historic artists’ association. NAWA has done its job to welcome the Fall 2022 class into the fold by offering numerous workshops, roundtable discussions, exhibition venues and other professional opportunities to support the mission of promoting women’s art and women artists, past and present.
I would encourage everyone to get involved. For a small investment of time, you will meet interesting artists and view ground-breaking work. You will elevate the professionalism of your practice – whether by learning new ways to organize a studio or getting ideas for software to track artwork inventory. All of this is possible because of a dedicated phalanx of volunteers at the national and chapter levels, many of whom are accomplished artists, art educators and business owners.
This issue of NAWA NOW showcases the breadth of activity among our members. The remarkable works of experimental painter Nancy Good, avatar creator Randy Globus, and digital artist Diana de Avilla are but a few highlights. We also bring you a profile of Cuban artist Lisandra Ramirez, who has had success in the global market despite the painfully difficult circumstances of making art in Cuba – and making it as a woman. It is a powerful contrast to the abundance of basic art supplies, exhibition venues and freedom of women’s expression in the United States. In this issue, we also review the recent release of “The Story of Art Without Men,” by Guardian columnist and art historian Katy Hessel. In a sad note, we commemorate the passing of two NAWA members, Judith Posner and Anita Helen Cohen.
And finally, if you have story ideas, know of artists whose work would be of interest to the membership, or simply want to share your thoughts about articles in NAWA NOW, please write to us at the magazine’s new dedicated email address: magazine@thenawa.org
Patrice Boyes
Co-Editor, NAWA Now Magazine