As summer draws to a close, the Annual Exhibition deadline has come and gone, and there is now another onslaught of work to be done. With two new office staff who have not yet experienced this, and a new format for our jury panel, we will have our hands full with “onboarding.”
Fortunately, while I am not the crack executive director for everything yet, I do know what we need for the Annual, from receiving, to pick-up and pack-up, it will happen! I know that is important to all of us, whether we are showing in it this year, or not, being a participating artist, or an appreciative supporter. It is one of the main benefits of our Association, among many, and we hope that we can continue it in this fashion for many years to come. I always wonder, will we be able to fit all the artwork in? So far, it always works out, somehow.
Keeping NAWA running smoothly is getting a little easier, but COVID issues have not completely ceased, as you all know. So, while we have caught up with many of our operations, life continues to be a challenge for many of us, and I want everyone to know, as I always say, “We are here for you!” Please keep in touch and thank you for being there for US, both members, friends, and supporters.