Quince Bertrand

Mango Bertrand

Buddy Katz

Ruth Herrera-Pease
“There’s something in the air…” That’s an expression that always makes me smile, that certain something that happens when summer changes into fall and there’s a quickening in the step, an expectation that something wonderful, even if we can’t actually see it, is possible. For NAWA, a new change in leadership, brings a new resolve to be the best we can be for all the exceptional women who make up this extraordinary body of artists known as NAWA.
After all, as someone said, “it’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our lives that matter.” As the first organization to create a place for women artists to share their creative challenges and successes, NAWA was and remains a way to make new and meaningful connections. In these challenging and sometimes confusing times, those connections become more important than ever—with another artist, a neighbor, a spouse, a stranger, or even a favorite pet. Forgive us, we couldn’t resist!
Looking for connection with all our members was the reason we started NAWA NOW over three years ago and it remains our primary purpose. We will continue to bring you news that we hope will interest and inspire you in your endeavors but in order to be the most effective we need to hear from you—your thoughts, your suggestions, your exhibits. In this issue we’re delighted to introduce Pathfinding, a new column by member Linh Vivace. This summer Linh’s path seeking took her to The Sun Valley Museum of Art in Idaho where she found a growing interest in what women artists were up to in that state.
So, please, connect with us at the emails listed below. We would especially welcome your impressions of NAWA’s 132nd Annual Exhibition, whether in person or online for NAWA NOW’s winter issue.
Sandra Bertrand, Senior Editor
Sarah Katz, Editor
Mimi-Herrera-Pease, Arts Editor